LoL Top Lane Tier List: These Are The Best LoL Patch 13.20 Top Laners

Which champions dominate the top lane in League of Legends on patch 13.20? No matter if you're into splitpushing, carrying or soaking up tons of damage – we have all the best champions for you in this top lane tier list.

Top Lane Tierlist Header Image
LoL Patch 13.20: Find out who the strongest top laners are with our tier list! | © Riot Games

LoL Patch 13.20 was huge, with multiple changes in the jungle affecting the map, and some of the best top laners getting hit pretty hard with nerfs and adjustments. Quinn's early game was also taken down a notch, and starting items received major buffs, so she will not have the best time anymore.

K'Sante also received what can be described as a mid-scope update, with Riot nerfing his early game by a lot and making him more vulnerable, while also changing his kit around to focus more on being a tank, than a burst-tank with changes to his Q, W and ultimate.

So, with all these changes, who is the best top laner of LoL Patch 13.20? Let's go over the tierlist right now.

We have more Top 5 Tier Lists:

Top Lane Tier List For LoL Patch 13.20: These Are The Best Top Laners

3. Garen

Demacia Vice Garen
Garen is back in the OP tier! | © Riot Games

With Quinn losing a lot of strength this patch, it's time to settle for something simple in the top lane and what's simpler than Garen? Nothing. With multiple runes getting nerfed, Garen rises to the top thanks to his synergy with Phase Rush which is unchanged this patch.

Not only that, but Garen has been a pretty reliant pick throughout previous patches as well, so with others relying on Conqueror and Lethal tempo, Garen can continue to do his thing and dominate the top lane – this time from the S-tier.

2. Aatrox

Mecha Aatrox New
Phew! Aatrox found his footing right in time before Worlds. | © Riot Games

Can you imagine a League of Legends World Championship without our favorite Darkin, Aatrox? No? Neither can I. Well, thanks to Riot he received some significant buffs a couple patches ago, and he's also profiting from the nerfs that Riot rolled out for Tryndamere in 13.18.

Aatrox surely isn't the easiest champion to pull off, but you can get the hang of him fairly quickly. He is just very well-rounded in general. His damage output can be absolutely terrifying, he's got great sustain thanks to his ultimate and his passive ability, and he brings useful crowd control for a teamfight or a 1v1 fight on top lane.

1. Malphite

Dark Star Malphite Skin
The Rock is still rocking the meta! | © Riot Games

This is the undisputed top lane king, and he is here to stay! Malphite has seen a spike in popularity, and there are so many reasons to pick him up. As a reliable, armor-stacking tank, he is perfectly suited against any AD-wielding top laner. All he has to do is to survive his relatively weak laning phase – and even though he should be losing most matchups, he can still throw a proper punch once he claims his mythic item!

In teamfights, Malphite's R – Unstoppable Force is a strong disruption tool and will give your team the benefit of momentum. Hit all five enemy champions and you will be the star of the fight!

Best LoL Top Laner In Patch 13.20: Tier List

Top Lane 13 20 tierlist

Now that we have looked at the S-Tier of LoL Patch 13.20, it's about time that we check out where some of your other favorite champions are. Which of these picks is your main?

Who Are Our A-Tier Top Laners in Patch 13.20?

The A-Tier is still considered excellent. These are champions that you can easily pick and still win games. They're the ones you'll want to choose when the S-Tier is banned. So if you want to climb solo queue, then these are some picks you'll want to try out this patch.


Win Rate

Pick Rate















Quinn's nerfs have landed her in the A-tier for now, but she could always slip into the B-tier. For now, it's too early to truly predict where she will land in this patch, but we do think she still has some things going for her.

Who Are Our B-Tier Top Laners?

The B-Tier consists of champions that are good, but won't have as much strength as either the A- or S-Tier, obviously. These are picks you can choose in specific match ups, but we suggest you master the champion beforehand.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate

















Even though you don't see him very often, Maokai is a great addition to any team comp. This might be a reason for his high win rate. His ultimate is especially useful in team fights, but he can hold his own on top lane as well.

Who Are Our F-Tier Top Laners?

These are the picks we advise you to forget about this patch. Either their win rates are abysmal or they were nerfed in the patch. So make sure to avoid picking these champions at all costs.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate



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Lasse Lindner

Moin! I’m Lasse and you can expect nothing but top-notch LoL content from me! I’ve been playing since Season 5 and I somehow still have a lot of love for this game! Guess I haven’t played enough Solo Que......

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