LoL Support Tier List – These Are The Best LoL Patch 13.20 Supports

Do you want to make fancy plays or are you happy empowering your bot lane friend? We have a champion for every occasion on our support tier list for League of Legends patch 13.20!

Lo L Support Tier List header naked
A few old faces reign on top of the support tier list for LoL patch 13.20. | © Riot Games

No matter if you are looking to channel your inner Hylissang or if you just want to be someone's very supportive kitten: This support tier list for patch 13.20 in League of Legends will help you figure out who to play!

More Tier Lists for the League of Legends Meta:

Support Tier List For LoL Patch 13.20: These Are The Best Supports

3. Taric

Pool Party Taric
Taric fancies his way to the top |©Riot Games

Taric is often considered a dull champion, but he actually is not. With Taric’s raw power, you can even win 1v2 fights if your ADC has inted again.

Taric’s early game is generally weak, but he can work excellently in the lane, especially against tanks like Leona or Nautilus.

The biggest skill expression with Taric is his ultimate. You need to recognize when the opponents are so committed that they cannot get out of the fight and then trigger your ultimate.

Even though Taric is currently a very strong pick in the meta, you don’t want to blind pick him. Taric gets very frustrated when he has to play against ranged champs. He then simply can’t reach anything and is very useless.

Taric works extremely well with Nilah, because she can just adjust your E with her dashes. Additionally, you can also play interesting and even good off-meta bot lanes with him as a combo, such as with Singed or Sylas.

2. Rakan

I G Rakan
Rakan is flying to the Top 2|©Riot Games

Rakan is a versatile support champion that can engage, peel, and move around the map with ease. He allows you to showcase your skills and make plays. However, it’s important to keep an eye on your carries and determine whether they need peel or if you can catch a key target off guard. While Rakan is not as tanky as Leona, he is still a great pick for the support role.

In the lane, it’s important to adapt to any situation. If the opponents have Janna or other supports that can block your W, max Q to give your ADC as much sustain as possible.

In the hands of a capable player, Rakan is definitely one of the best supports in Patch 13.20.

1. Senna

Senna true damage prestige
Senna is one of the strongest carries in this patch. Even though she is a support |© Riot Games

Senna is a champion that requires some practice to play correctly. To be successful with her, you need to know how to behave as a support and be a good ADC.

Once you have mastered her, you can become unstoppable. Senna’s weakness is the early game, but you can make up for it with good spacing. You can punish your opponents for every CS, heal your ADC and yourself, and use your W to catch enemies off guard. With your ultimate, you can have an impact on the entire map from the bot lane at any time.

Senna is also a good pick if you have a friend who likes to play tanks. Champions like Maokai or Zac are excellent substitutes for ADCs and will guarantee you ranked wins.

Since Senna still poses a damage threat to your team, it’s not a problem if you don’t have a classic ADC on your side.

Support Tier List For LoL Patch 13.20

13 20 Support Tierlist
Nothing too crazy changed about support in patch 13.20 |©Riot Games

Now that we have looked at the S-Tier of LoL Patch 13.20, it's about time that we check out where some of your other favorite champions are. Which of these picks is your main?

Who Are Our A-Tier Support Champions?

The A Tier is still considered excellent. These are champions that you can easily pick and still win games. They're the ones you'll want to choose when the S Tier champions are banned. So if you want to climb solo queue, then these are some picks you'll want to pick up this patch.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate











The support meta is incredible versatile at the moment. With Fiddlesticks we got a full damage support within the A-Tier, all engage and hook supports are still going strong, and even some enchanters are back in the meta. There is something for everybody right now!

Who Are Our B-Tier Support Champions?

The B-Tier consists of champions that are good, but won't have as much strength as either the A- or S-Tier — obviously. These are picks you can choose in specific match ups, but we suggest making sure you master the champion before choosing them.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate

















Morgana has received buffs in the latest patch and it shows. She is now a completely viable support again. Morgana is pretty strong if the enemies have crowd control abilities. Just make sure that you don’t panic-press your E.

Galio is another champion you might want to try. He has received buffs to his W and ultimate cooldowns in the latest patch, after already receiving buffs in the previous patch.

Who Are Our F-Tier Support Champions?

These are the picks we advise you to forget about this patch. Either their win rates are abysmal or they were nerfed in the patch. So make sure to avoid picking these champions at all costs.


Win Rate

Pick Rate




Miss Fortune43.66%0.77%


Thank you.

Apart from ADCs, you are better off leaving your hands off Gragas for the moment if you are looking for a good poke/engage support.

Marksmen aside, Yuumi is also not doing great after her nerfs due to pro play popularity. What is quite remarkable though, is her pick rate. Over 4%, even though she's one of the weakest picks out there. I guess that shows you how dedicated Yuumi mains are...

These are the best support champions in LoL Patch 13.20, do you agree or think that your fave has been placed too low… or maybe even too high?

Tim Ladegast

Tim is studying Media Studies at the University of Bayreuth. His passion for video games led him to intern at EarlyGame, where he presents the latest patch notes, guides and off-meta strategies for the LoL category and RiftFeed....

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