LoL Patch 13.17: Too OP - Item Will Receive Fourth Nerf Within Two Months

LoL Patch 13.17 will bring another nerf for one of the strongest and most popular items ingame. This will be the fourth nerf within two months, and might not even be the last one.

Lo L Season 11 items
Sometimes it needs multiple adjustments to balance an item |©Riot Games

Buffs and nerfs for items are nothing new for a game like League of Legends and were always a part of Patches. And sometimes they're much needed, since some items are clearly too strong for a healthy meta. But that an item has to be changed four times over a limited time span of two months was rarely seen before. But this item needs it, for sure!

LoL Patch 13.17: Yet Another Nerf For Statikk Shiv

In the history of League of Legends, there were rarely items that needed as many changes and adjustments as Statikk Shiv. The only one that comes to my mind quickly would be the Duskblade of Draktharr, since this one gets changed again in the next upcoming patches as well.

And just to give you an idea, on how much effort was put into the item over time, Statikk Shiv got changed in Patch 13.10 (when it got re-added to the game), Patch 13.11, Patch 13.12, Patch 13.13 and Patch 13.14. And now again in Patch 13.17.

Statikk Shiv
The root of all evil in the mid lane |©Riot Games

It seems like Riot Games cant find the balance for Shiv, but won't give up on the item. So, let's take a look at the newest announced update for the item. According to the popular League of Legends Twitter account "Spideraxe", the Statikk Shiv will be nerfed again.

As stated by Spiederaxe, the nerf will regard the AP-ratio of the item.

The reduction of the ratio from 30% to 15% will be a hard hit against the items and its buying champions, but it seems to be the case, that the devs needed to make drastic change. Especially since the last adjustments didn't have the wished effect, balancing the item.

The item in its current iteration is still strong, even after the numerous nerfs. So it will be interesting to see, how much impact the upcoming nerf will have on Statikk Shiv's popularity. According to the many comments regarding the announced nerfs, most players are looking forward to this adjustment.

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Henning Paul
Henning Paul