Modern Warfare 3: Players Panic Because Of This Leak

Modern Warfare 3 is coming and everything seems amazing so far, but the game might have a catch that players aren't aware about at the moment.

Modern Warfare 3 Beta
Do we have to worry about MW3? │ @Sledgehammer Games

Modern Warfare 3 is coming closer and closer, and we are constantly being flooded with new info about the game. The latest thing that has been worrying players is a leak by popular source MW2Ghost on X.

MW 3 Leak Reveals – Doors?

Leaker MW2Ghost, who is seen as a reliable source, especially after they correctly predicted the 16 upcoming maps, now has dropped a hard fact on the community that is being received with very mixed feelings, but mostly negative ones. They said that the remastered maps from MW2 will have doors, which you'll be able to open, close and go through as you please.

Why This Is Such A Big Deal

Now, you might be wondering: Who is getting angry at this? But many people actually are really upset because of this, especially when you keep in mind that Activision has been adding doors to their games left and right for a hot second now, and they don't seem to stop.

Having doors interrupts the game flow, allows campers to become even nastier and is just plain annoying, since no one asked for them.

Now, considering that the game isn't out yet, we'll just have to wait and see if doors really are the devil's work in this game.

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Elif Koca
Elif Koca

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