Modern Warfare 3 Maps

Modern Warfare 3's 6v6 map-pool is made up entirely of remastered maps from 2009's Modern Warfare 2, but we're also getting a couple of new, bigger maps for Ground War and War. Here are all the maps in Modern Warfare 3.

MW3 Multiplayer Maps
Modern Warfare 3 Maps | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 will be released on November 10, 2023, and one of the best things we've heard so far about the game is the maps. Yep, the rumors were true, we're getting a remaster of every single map that appeared in 2009's MW2. If you haven't seen these maps before, or you're just curious to see how they look in 2023, you can check out all the remastered MW2 maps below.

The 16 remastered maps are all for 6v6, but don't worry we are also getting three bigger maps for Ground War, which will just be sections of the new Warzone maps. And, quite unexpectedly, we're getting a single map for the mode "War" (a mode that has only been in CoD once before, in WW2).

  • If you want to be best prepared, maybe picking up an advanced controller with paddles will do the trick.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: 6v6

For 6v6, MW3 is going to feature every single map that was in 2009's Modern Warfare 2. Here are those maps, with a quick description of what to expect if you didn't play MW2.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Afghan (B-Tier)

They're going to use the crash site that's currently on Al Mazrah as the basis for this remaster, but it won't be exactly the same. Afghan from back in the day was a fun map because it was good for streaks, but in all honesty it's not well-balanced, and probably won't be great for most modes.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Afghan
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Afghan | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Derail (D-Tier)

This map is absolutely dog, skip it whenever you can. It's big, and open and boring.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Derail
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Derail | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Estate (B-Tier)

If you only play TDM / Dom you won't like this map. It takes place on a hill, and so if you spawn at the bottom you're at a big disadvantage. However, for SnD and Headquarters it worked really well, so if you like objective modes you're in luck.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Estate
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Estate | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Favela (A-Tier)

Favela is an absolute classic. It's very small for 6v6, but the map has distinct and clear lanes, with lots of opportunities for SMG-players.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Favela
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Favela | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Highrise (S-Tier)

Like Afghan, Highrise kind of also exists on the current Warzone map Al Mazrah. It was fantastic in MW2 and it's likely going to be very good in MW3 (although with modern movement it will feel smaller than the original).

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Highrise
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Highrise | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Invasion (A-Tier)

Invasion is a big map that provides lots of variety. It won't be a fondly-remembered classic to most players, but it's hard to imagine anyone hating Invasion. Perhaps a little uninspired, but well-balance and an obvious candidate for the CDL/Ranked map-pool.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Invasion
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Invasion | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Karachi (B-Tier)

This was godlike for Search, in fact, it might be the best Search and Destroy map in all of MW2. Expect to see it in the CDL/Ranked map-pool.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Karachi
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Karachi | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Quarry (B-Tier)

This might be controversial, but we think Quarry is overrated. It's very big, there's an annoying slope to the map, and it's not exactly an interesting location.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Quarry
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Quarry | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Rundown (C-Tier)

Rundown was very unpopular in MW2, but that was largely because it was set at Dusk and so visibility was poor. The new version of Rundown looks much brighter and is probably the map they've changed most out of all these remasters. It could be better than we remember, but we aren't too hopeful.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Rundown
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Rundown | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Rust (B-Tier)

We don't need to explain Rust. Even if you're too young to have played it at the time, Rust appeared in MW2019 and is currently in CoD: Mobile. It's a very small map that was legendary for 1v1s, but it's not a serious 6v6 map.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Rust
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Rust | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Scrapyard (A-Tier)

Scrapyard is the map that we expect to be the biggest disappointment. This map is actually very small, and with modern movement we expect it to feel that way. It was also quite limited in terms of viable modes.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Scrapyard
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Scrapyard | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Skidrow (A-Tier)

The only way the devs could ruin Skidrow is if they put broken, full-auto shotguns into the game. Oh, dear.

Skidrow is a very tight map set in a few buildings in the middle of Los Angeles. If you like fighting over choke points you're going to love it, if not then vote to skip.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Skidrow
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Skidrow | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Sub Base (C-Tier)

It's better than WaW and Vanguard's Sub Base, because it's much less claustrophobic thanks to large outdoor areas. It's not great though, and suffers from having too few routes, making the map feel like it has no natural flow.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Subbase
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Sub Base | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Terminal (S-Tier)

If you say MW2, there's a good chance this is the map people think of first, and for good reason. Terminal is able to capture a very interesting location while still maintaining the essential symmetry and balance you need to make most modes work. Beware campers at the back of the plane.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Terminal

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Underpass (F-Tier)

This would be a strong candidate for the worst CoD map of all time, but Santa Sena Border Crossing exists. Underpass is as miserable to look at as it is boring to play. Just vote to skip this one.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Underpass

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Wasteland (D-Tier)

Wasteland exists for snipers and for people using the One-Man Army exploit to spend all game noob-tubing. It's not a serious map; far too open and far too big.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps Wasteland
Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Wasteland | © Activision

And there you have it, all the 6v6 maps in MW3, overall a solid selection. Although not as strong as the BO2 map-pool which is rumored to be coming back in a remastered form in CoD 2025.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: Ground War

We will be getting three Ground War maps, which will just be parts of the new Warzone map sectioned off. Yes, it's unoriginal, but it saves a lot of time for the devs, and Ground War fans have come to expect this. We would be surprised if they show these maps pre-launch, because they want attention on MW3 for now, not the next year of Warzone.

Modern Warfare 3 Maps: War

It's pretty confusing to have a mode called Ground War alongside a mode just called War, but War is genuinely a fantastic mode. It comes from WW2 and has (weirdly) never been used in another CoD until now.

In War, one team are the Attackers and the others are Defenders. Attackers have to escort a tank (or that's what it was in WW2) all the way through the map along a predetermined path, while the Defenders have to stop them. As the Attackers get further along the path through the map, the spawns for both sides moves along as well.

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We haven't seen the War map for MW3, but given the nature of the mode, you should expect it to be much larger and far more linear than a normal CoD map.

What maps are you most excited for? And are you guys fine with only getting remakes of OG MW2 maps, or would you also like some completely new maps for Modern Warfare 3?

  • If you want to upgrade to next-gen before MW3 is released, the cheapest option is by far the Xbox Series S .
Lukas Ballat

Lukas actually studied to become a teacher, and now he teaches you everything about CoDy, while also taking care of partner projects, hardware and affiliate marketing. Besides shooters, he mainly plays Souls-Likes, but doesn't shy away from Diablo-Grind either....

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