Modern Warfare 2 Is The Most Successful CoD Ever

Modern Warfare 2 had the most successful launch of any CoD ever, and is the biggest release of any entertainment product this year.

MW2 best launch
Activision is thankful for another incredibly successful launch. | © Activision

Modern Warfare 2 was released on October 28 and once again broke all records. If you take a quick look at Twitter, as usual, you'll come across a bunch of people complaining about how bad the new Call of Duty is and that the franchise is dead... Of course, this turns out to be complete nonsense (and it's much better than the complainers are saying).

According to Activision, Modern Warfare 2 is already the most successful Call of Duty game of all time after the first three days.

MW2: Best Launch Weekend Ever

Modern Warfare 2 made $800 million in sales in just three days after its official launch. By comparison, Modern Warfare 2 (2009) made $550 million in its first five days, Modern Warfare 3 (2011) made $775 million, and Modern Warfare (2019) made $600 million.

This also means that MW2 even surpasses the box office of the launch weekends of "Top Gun: Maverick" and "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" combined. That's quite a statement. And not only are sales a new record, but player numbers are shooting through the roof as well. On Steam alone, up to 260,000 players were online at the same time during the launch weekend, and that's not even counting, Xbox and PlayStation.

Modern Warfare 2 is once again a complete success – especially commercially. It only remains to be seen how many players will still regularly play the multiplayer after the release of Warzone 2.0.

Lukas Ballat

Lukas actually studied to become a teacher, and now he teaches you everything about CoD, while also taking care of partner projects, hardware and affiliate marketing. Besides shooters, he mainly plays Souls-Likes, but doesn't shy away from Diablo-Grind either....

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