LoL Mid Lane Tier List: Best Mid Laners In League of Legends Patch 13.20

Are assassins or mages better in the mid lane in League of Legends Patch 13.20? We've prepared a Tier list showing you the best mid laners in LoL Patch 13.20 to find out!

Midlane tierlist header
Mid lane tier list LoL Patch 13.20: These are the best mid laners in League of Legends right now! | © Riot Games

Just like in the last few patches, the mid lane seems to be quite stable and other lanes received much more changes in 13.20. However, one champion has made her way back to the top again while another cements his place on the (most likely overthrown) throne.

Let's check out the best mid lane champions in LoL Patch 13.20 to find out whether your favorite champion is OP right now.

Do you want to read more champion tier lists for the current meta?

Mid Lane Tier List For LoL Patch 13.20: These Are The Best Mid Laners

Let's take a look at our top five picks in the mid lane!

5. Syndra

Spirit Blossom Syndra
"People fear what they cannot understand." – Syndra | © Riot Games

Darkness hails from above! And no, we're not talking about Nocturne for once.

With a small buff on Patch 13.19, Syndra has finally managed to make her way back to the top tier! This puts her into a great spot for both Ranked and pro play, which makes her mid-scope update from last year a huge success.

While she has to chill in the early lane, she will destroy everyone in her way once she receives the upgrade on her R – Unleashed Power. She only gets stronger as the game progresses – however, note that she's a mechanically demanding champions and best in the hands of any player who plays her a lot!

4. Orianna

"They come apart so easily. How do you put them back together again?" – Orianna | © Riot Games

Another patch, another good day for scaling mid lane control mages. Looks like Orianna is here to stay!

Similar to Syndra, Orianna has received some buffs over the year. Nerfs to some of her competitors and the reset of gold gains to the same level as every other lane has made the Lady of Clockwork shine in her very own way.

While her laning phase is also not great, she will destroy any enemy team that doesn't dodge her mind-controlled (do robots have minds?) metal ball and can decide any teamfight with a perfectly placed R – Command: Shockwave!

3. Naafiri

Naafiri splash header
"What chance will the world have, when the Darkin hunt as one?" – Naafiri | © Riot Games

An assassin in the top five?! Well even though Naafiri is the only AD assassin who made it into the top 5 this time around, she does represent her class pretty good! Generally speaking, Naafiri has one huge advantage: Her numerous possible item builds!

No matter if you are in need of a midlaner, who can one shot the enemy's ADC or someone who can take care of tanky units such as a Sion, Naafiri could be your pick!

Will Naafiri be able to take on this champ?

If you feel like picking up a new AD champ for the mid lane, I would highly recommend Naafiri. She deals crazy damage and her abilities are quite simple to understand and learn! (All she needs now is a good skin …)

2. Lux

Porcelain Lux skin
"The world has seen enough darkness!" – Lux | © Riot Games

After Lux received a small but substantial buff to her P – Illumination, her laning phase seems to be much easier and stable than before! Especially lasthitting minions is much more comfortable now, which increases her overall farm! Everyone knows: Good Cs = Good damage!

Next to that, her kit is as easy as it can be for a mage, which makes her super efficient with pretty low investment! Learn how to control your wave properly and abuse your massive push pressure, to keep your enemy laner super busy at all times!

1. Neeko

Winter wonder neeko
"People with no tails, are they lonely? Yes!" | © Riot Games

Is it really you AGAIN?! — Yep, big strong Neeko coming through! Well to be quite fair, Neeko was never not good. Ever since her tiny rework, Neeko continues to dominate the Summoner's Rift. Especially in the mid lane, her full potential can be unlocked, by roaming around the map with your Jungler to just terrorize other lanes!

Optionally, you can dress up as your Jungler as well and scare the living hell out of the enemy team! — Not only super string, but incredibly funny as well!

Mid Lane Tier List: These Are The Best Mid Laners In LoL Patch 13.20

Midlane tierlist 13 20
Mid Lane Tier List for LoL Patch 13.20: That tier list practically screams "Mage Meta"! | © Riot Games

Now that we have looked at the S-Tier of LoL Patch 13.20, it's about time that we check out where some of your other favorite champions are. Which of these picks is your main?

Who Are Our A-Tier Mid Laners?

The A-Tier is still considered excellent. These are champions that you can easily pick and still win games. They're the ones you'll want to choose when the S-Tier are banned. So if you want to climb solo queue, then these are some picks you'll want to pick up this patch.


Win Rate

Pick Rate







If you are a mid lane main, you need to pick up Xerath if you haven’t done that already! He is one of the most annoying laners I can imagine, and a great flex pick, since his win rate on the support position is out of this world as well!

If you feel like learning a new, yet simple champion, you should give Vex a try! Her play style is super fun, and after she finished her second item, her one shot potential increases rapidly.

Who Are Our B-Tier Mid Laners?

The B-Tier consists of champions that are good, but won't have as much strength as either the A or S Tier — obviously. These are picks you can pick in specific match ups, but we suggest making sure you master the champion before choosing them.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate
Aurelion Sol













The most notable champion in this tier is by far Taliyah! She is another excellent flex pick, since she is still regularly played in the Jungle as well! With her ultimate, she has great roam potential to assist her team whenever a fight breaks out. Taliyah is one of the trickier mages to learn, but her play style is much more fun than Xearth's in my opinion!

Who Are Our F-Tier Mid Laners?

These are the picks we advise you to forget about this patch. Either their win rates are abysmal or they were nerfed in the patch. So make sure to avoid picking these champions at all costs... unless you really don't care for your LP and just want to play the one champion you main.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate

LeBlanc has made a proper nosedive on this patch, and while her AD builds are now doing significantly worse than her AP builds, she is in a poor state in general. Part of this is a massive allergic reaction because everyone still plays her AD build (Phreak was right all along!), but you really need to optimize her even on AP to win your games.

Don't pick any of these three champs if you want to keep your precious and hard-earned LP.

There are a ton of potent mid laners right now and almost every play style can fit into the current meta. Even some flex picks like Kennen and Jayce could be possible now and then! And beware of the extra minion in the enemy waves when playing against Neeko!

Celine Jaeckel

Whether on Nintendo or on my first own laptop, when little-me finished her homework for the day she would escape into her own fantastical world. My gaming journey began with the Sims 2, which I had to beg for as...

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