Malena Rose

Malena Rose

I am a long-time lover of fantasy games and have always had a thing for small but significant indies. Zelda Ocarina of Time will forever have a special place in my heart, as it was one of the first games I was able to play on my own Nintendo. As a kid, I spent countless hours with it and was totally mesmerized. It's a classic that I love going back to again and again.

Apart from that, I'm an absolute Harry Potter fan, and you can always find me at the cinema as soon as a new Marvel movie comes out. At EarlyGame, you’ll see me writing about Overwatch, a game that I fell in love with after I convinced my older brother to sell me his PS4 in 2016... Can’t believe it’s been that long. Of course, I don't just hang out in front of screens all day. I also spend a decent amount of my free time in the climbing studio (trying not to look bad at bouldering).

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