LoL: Riot Reveal Beautiful New Chroma's But They Have One Huge Downside

According to a leak on Twitter, Riot has released some beautiful new chromas on the Chinese LoL server, but there seems to be a huge downside to them.

Lo L Chinese Chromas Splash Art
LoL: Take a look at this gorgeous splashart of one of the newest chromas! | © Riot Games / Jumaralo Hex on Twitter

If you haven't seen it for yourself yet, apparently there are 10 new chromas that are being released, according to a leak from LoL Context-Chan on Twitter.

They're being released to celebrate the top 10 LPL players in China, and with that each one is getting their own chroma, how exciting. Take a good look at all the chromas for yourself, because they are all just so beautiful.

Some people theorized that maybe the top 10 players in every region will be getting their own chromas, but that doesn't really seem to be the case. But who cares, right? 10 new beautiful chromas are good enough!

New chromas for everyone! Right?

LoL: What The Downside To These New Chromas Is

Yuumi Lo L chroma china
LoL: Yuumi's new chroma is just so cute! | © Riot Games / Jumaralo Hex on Twitter

Like we said before, the top 10 LPL players are being "honored" with their own chromas, if you're interested which players and which champs are getting new chromas, here's the list:

  • Clearlove - Sejuani
  • Uzi - Vayne
  • Meiko - Yuumi
  • Rookie - LeBlanc
  • Xiaohu- Lucian
  • Doinb - Malphite
  • Scout - Zoe
  • Ming - Sett
  • Theshy - Fiora
  • Jackeylove - Kai'sa

Looking at all the upcoming chromas made me so happy, until I found out what the apparent downside to this entire situation is.

They're beauty, they're grace, but they're...only available in China?

Yeah, don't get your hopes up too high, no matter how gorgeous these chromas are, most of us will probably never get to buy or use them. At the moment, it seems that these chromas will only be available for players on the Chinese servers. How disappointing.

It seems that most of these chromas are for World's skins that the top 10 players have, but not every one of these players has a World's skin, so which ones were chosen for the new chroma?

Clearlove and Uzi never won World's and thus, obviously, don't have their own World's skins. From what I could decipher through leaks, it seems as though Clearlove has been given a Chroma for Sejuani's Poro Rider skin and as for Uzi's Vayne chroma... I have no clue.

Genuinely, I don't. Maybe you can tell, but I can't. According to Julex Gameplays on Twitter, it's her Soulstealer skin, but... I just don't see it, sorry. If you want to see what these chromas will look like in game, then check out their Twitter, as they've leaked what the character models will look like.

If you want to see all splash arts, then check out Jumaralo Hex on Twitter, as they've posted them all.

The weirdest thing about all of this is that apparently, even the top 10 players in China didn't even know that these chromas were being released, or at least not Doinb.

In a recent livestream, when Doinb was asked whether he would be getting a cut from the profits of these chromas' sales, he answered:

Do you think I will, bro? You’re asking such a cute question. I didn’t even know I had a Top 10 Greatest LPL Players skin until I woke up yesterday, they didn’t ask us what kinda champs it were either--

That would at least explain why he was given a Malphite skin, even though he's not, that known for his Malphite plays, or at least not exclusively.

So did Riot just decide to randomly pick champs that they've played before and slap on the top 10 players' names, so they could make more money off of them? I mean, the chromas are gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but why were the players not involved in the process? At least let them pick out which champ they want to be remembered by, no?

Either way, this whole situation is just kind of a letdown for most LoL players, especially if Riot really won't be releasing new chromas for the top 10 players in other regions.

Carina Toenges

Hey guys, I’m Carina! I’m currently studying Journalism and write for EarlyGame’s Gaming and LoL categories. Whether it’s Stardew Valley, Dead by Daylight or even League of Legends, I love playing and writing about all sorts of video games! ...