LoL Patch 13.21: Players Worried Morgana Will Be Overtuned After Buffs

Morgana is an interesting champion. Either she is too strong or completely unplayable and now Riot is going to buff her a second time... are we seeing some major Morgana nerfs in our future?

Coven Morgana
LoL Patch 13.21: Morgana is getting buffed, but is this too much? | © Riot Games

Morgana is one of the most banned support champions in League of Legends, even when she is down in the dumps. Seriously, her stun duration and black shield are so annoying no one wants to play against it, even if she isn't an OP pick.

In the previous patch Riot buffed her in the support position, as well as the jungle, but feel she can get a bit more love in LoL Patch 13.21. This has players, especially Morgana players concerned though.

LoL Patch 13.21: Morgana's W Receives Buffs

Morgana's W – Tormented Shadow, is her key poke ability, as well as great for wave management in the mid lane. It's also what she uses to deal a lot of damage in the jungle. So, Riot has decided to give the ability some more power.

In LoL Patch 13.20 it received a buff to the monster damage modifier, as well as the AP ratio, but the balance team feels like there is more to be done. So, for Patch 13.21 she will receive another buff to the ability.

W – Tormented Shadow

  • Damage: 12-52 >>> 12-56
  • Monster Damage Modifier: 165% >>> 170%

Some players are worried though that increasing the numbers on W could make her way too strong and could cause Riot to nerf her again a patch later, meaning she could be forgotten again for a long time.

Some players suggest that she could receive some added attack range instead of a buff to her W, while others want Riot to make adjustments to her passive as well.

At least the balance team is doing some things to make changes to her kit to improve her gameplay in LoL Patch 13.21. Her win rate has increased since her last buffs going from 48% to 49.5%, so maybe these buffs can balance her at 50%.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....