LoL Patch 13.17: Naafiri Nerfs After She Continues To Dominate Across Multiple Roles

LoL Patch 13.17 is going to be bringing some more nerfs to the newest champion on Summoner's Rift. She's been too strong in multiple roles and Riot is looking to bring her prio down, especially in lower elos where she is excelling.

Naafiri trailer screenshot
LoL Patch 13.17: Naafiri is pretty strong right now and Riot wants to stop her from dominating. | © Riot Games

Champion nerfs are nothing new in League of Legends. Especially for newly released champions, since Riot is still gathering enough data on the champion to make correct buffs and nerfs. Naafiri has been out for roughly a month and she has already impacted the meta.

So, because of her high presence, as well as her impact on the game, Riot is going to threaten her with a nerf hammer for a second patch in a row.

LoL Patch 13.17: Naafiri Nerfed Second Patch In A Row

Naafiri is the newest League of Legends champion and while Riot intended her to be a top tier mid laner for lower elos, she has since become a menace in multiple roles, taking over the entire map of Summoner's Rift. Left, right, no one is safe from Naafiri.

She has marched her way to the top of both the mid lane and the top lane, with a win rate of over 53% in both roles. In LoL Patch 13.16, Riot tried to nerf her tankiness, but that nerf was barely felt, with the champion still sitting at 53.27% in the top lane.

Naafiri is supposed to be an assassin, but in the top lane she can thrive with bruiser items like Black Cleaver and Ravenous Hydra. Her mid lane stats aren't anything to scoff at either, making her an insane pick right now.

Bigger Nerfs Planned For Naafiri

Naafiri splash header
Naafiri nerf hammer activate! | © Riot Games

So, while the initial nerf of 13.16 was not enough, Riot is now taking a bigger stab at her, targeting multiple parts of her kit, as well as her base stats as well this time around.

LoL dev Stephen "RiotRaptorr" Auker revealed the plans for Naafiri on his Twitter/X, explaining each change in detail.

Base Stats

  • Base HP: 650 >>> 635

P - We Are More

  • Cooldown: 25/20/15/10 >>> 30/25/20/15 (based on levels 1/6/11/16)
  • Packmates will take 100% bonus damage from melee attacks

Q - Darkin Daggers [Q2]

  • Heal: 45/65/85/105/125 >>> 45/60/75/90/105
  • Minimum damage: 35/50/65/80/95 (+70% bAD) >>> 30/45/60/75/90 (+40% bAD)
  • Maximum damage: 70/100/130/160/190 >>> 60/90/100/130/180

E - Eviscerate

  • Dash bAD ratio: 60% >>> 50%
  • Flurry bAD ratio: 90% >>> 80%

Her base health being lowered is meant to make her punishable in lane, especially against bigger and tankier opponents whom she will likely face in the top lane.

Her packmates are also too strong and feel unrewarding to play against them according to RiotRaptorr, hence why the team is going to target them with the nerf to her passive.

Her second Q is also going to be targeted as another top lane nerf. Since it's easy to land the second Q on melee champions, which the top lane has more of, Riot is making sure to nerf the power of the second Q. They're also looking to nerf the damage against high health targets.

Finally, the E nerf is geared towards her late game scaling which is the best amongst every single assassin in League of Legends.

These are quite a few changes and pretty hefty ones. So, will Naafiri be completely useless in the top lane, or even mid lane with these adjustments coming?

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....