LoL: Free Champion Rotation This Week

We take a look at this week's free champion rotation in League of Legends. Is your main lol champ free to play?

Spirit blossom ahri skin
LoL Free Champion Rotation: Ready for a new adventure? You should definitely pick up Ahri! | © Riot Games

The constant changes in League of Legends make the game quite confusing at times. The addition of champions each year makes the oversight of 160 champs almost impossible. Thankfully, Riot introduced the weekly champion rotation, which allows players to test out the champions for free.

Riot Games loans out around 10% of playable champions for free each week. This keeps League of Legends interesting and gives players the opportunity to experiment. Once you hit level 11, you gain access to the free champion rotation. The free champion rotation switches up every single Tuesday, so be prepared to try some new stuff on Summoner's Rift weekly.

You want to know with whom you win every game this patch? Then take a look here!

Remember: You can only pick those champions in Normal Blind Pick or Draft Pick. If you want to take them to Ranked, you need to purchase them first!

League of Legends Free Champion Rotation: September 19 - September 26

These are the champions that are part of this week's free champion rotation:

Top LaneCamille
Jarvan IV

Mid LaneAhri
Bot LaneKai'Sa
Tahm Kench

Note: Champions with multiple viable positions are sorted by most played position in recent patches.

Who is the best top laner in this free champion rotation? This time it's Camille. After a difficult start to the season, some desperately needed buffs have brought Camille back onto the radar. Now she is ready to wreak havoc in the top lane again and explain the definition of perfection to everyone foolish enough to disappoint her.

In the jungle this week, Nocturne is at your disposal. Not only is Nocturne a decent pick with a solid 51% win rate right now, but he's also got the added effect of scaring your opponent just by pressing the R button. Not many champions can do that. So, if you're looking to inflict true fear into your opponent's minds, Nocturne is the perfect pick for you!

As a mid lane pick we can recommend Akshan to you this week. Akshan has silently become one of the best solo queue picks. He's got decent mobility, some invisibility which will go well with your jungle Shaco, and the passive on his W can be crucial in late game fights. Just make sure to stay alive and cash in those kills to revive fallen teammates.

For you ADC Mains, we would recommend Kai'Sa.This pick is always meta. Even if Ashe and Xayah dominate the lane, Kai'Sa is just a solid pick that you can play in any situation. She's got great playmaking potential, reliable mixed damage and a lot of flexibility due to her uniquely scaling kit!

Finally, let's move on to the support role. In this free champion rotation, you should choose Taric. He's a magnificently looking support that stuns enemies while keeping all of his allies alive. Overall, he is one of the best supports in the current meta and a great hybrid between enchanter and playmaking!

So, that's it, guys. Try out a few of these unique champions from this champion rotation, and maybe you'll find your new main? Who knows. We'll be back next Tuesday to see who you can try in the next free champion rotation!

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....

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