Live On Stream: FouseyTube Gets Arrested After Faking Hostage Situation

Fousey has been arrested by Miami police in his livestream after faking a hostage situation.

Fousey arrested
Fousey gets arrested for faking hostage situation | © FouseyTube

Remember when being swatted was one of the worst things to happen to Streamers? Yousef “FouseyTube” Erakat has now basically swatted himself in a Miami hotel room and gets upset when he actually gets arrested for it.

Fousey has obviously been in some drama in the past, and his latest behavior definitely didn't seem normal, even in the “crazy streamer” world with wildly different standards regarding what's considered normal and what's not.

“Send the f*cking cops!” — Cops Show Up, Fousey Gets Upset

Who didn't catch the situation live on Fousey's team can look up what happened in a short clip on Twitter:

When speaking to the 911 dispatcher, Fousey screamed in an apparent near panic, telling the dispatcher that he'd need help and had a gun to his head right now.

Let's make one thing clear, he did not have a gun to his head.

The next clip shows him being arrested, telling cops his life would be in danger, and they still decided to “arrest a Palestinian Muslim who's viral” – and that's just what they did, because faking a crime is... well, a crime.

Fousey reportedly feared for his life and faked the hostage situation to get the police to arrive faster at the Hotel room where he was holed up with a buddy of his. When police took him away, still live, he continued shouting “Hashtag Free Fousey”, because of course he would. Content's content, right?

Tanja Haimerl

After getting her degree in media sciences, Tanja went straight to making a job out of her hobby: as an EarlyGame content creator, she combines her passion of writing and obsessing over good stories in all kinds of media....