LoL Jungle Tier List – These Are The Best LoL Patch 13.20 Junglers

Need a jungler for your incoming climb? Or are you just autofilled? Well, look no further – this jungle tier list will tell you which champions can help you win on LoL patch 13.20!

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Jungle Tier List LoL Patch 13.20: Who is the best jungler? | © EarlyGame

Briar has entered Summoner's Rift! She had a rough few days after her release, but is she finally able to cement her place in the Jungle meta? Look no further – here are the best jungle champions for LoL patch 13.20!

Here are some more Tier Lists:

Jungle Tier List For LoL Patch 13.20: These Are The Best Junglers

13.20. changed our king of the jungle. Ok, we'll find out who it soon, ok?

But let's start with our two other S-Tier picks first.

3. Fiddlesticks

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Fiddlesticks is just scary |©Riot Games

Fiddlesticks has a really unique play style. Basically, he's just an ult bot with some extra steps.

One of his biggest weakness, was his early game dueling. Because the jungle got huge changes this patch though, tanks are now the strongest junglers in the game – with a few exceptions – and we all know that tank junglers are pretty weak early on.

This causes Fiddle to not be invaded as much and having a pretty free farming fest for level 6.

Once he has his ult, everything changes and he can carry entire Teamfights by himself. His mid game is also his strongest point, so use those ultimates often and use them well.

My tip on Fiddle is to go First Strike with Protobelt, but after that, you do something unexpected: Don't build Zhonias second. Instead, go for Horizon Focus and then right after Rabadons. You will kill the enemies before they can even try to burst you.

2. Briar

Briar Splash Art
Briar doesn't calm down this patch |©Riot Games

Ever since her release, Briar is just completely bonkers. Riot nerfed her, but that doesn't matter because she is just too OP anyways.

Briar scales surprisingly well into the late game, so don't feel pressured to make plays happen and take your time.

There is also this new build, which just outperforms the Strikebreaker / Black Cleaver Combo by A LOT. With this build, Briar is one of the, if not the strongest, champs in the game.

You have to take Hail of Blades and you will build Eclipse into The Collector. This builds boasts a nice 60% win rate at a two-item combination. And please go CDR boots.

1. Rammus

Chrome Rammus
THE GOD. OK.|© Riot Games

Finally, we come to the god of the jungle: Rammus.

With the new jungle changes, Rammus' win rate increased to 56,37%. Just in case you don't know, this is extremely high and stuff for hot fixing.

Rammus is good into full AD comps, but as he's so OP right now, you can just pick him whenever. Your first item should always be Thornmail though. If you want to spike even faster on two items, you can go for Evenshroud.

His earlier stage might be a little bit weaker, but he most likely has the strongest mid game out of any jungler.

Jungle Tier List Patch 13.20 in League of Legends

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Because of the jungle changes, the meta has shifted a lot |© Riot Games

Now that we have looked at the S-Tier champions of Patch 13.20, it's about time that we check out how some of your other favorite champions rank. Which of these picks is your main?

Who Are Our A-Tier Junglers?

The A-Tier is still considered excellent. These are champions that you can easily pick and still win games. They're the ones you'll want to choose when the S-Tier are banned. So if you want to climb solo queue, then these are some picks you'll want to pick up this patch.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate







The jungle changes helped out tank junglers a lot. You need to have impact without having too many resources. Ivern can just build support items, which are also cheap.

One exception here is Graves. Ghostblade got a buff this patch, which is a core item of Graves' build.

Who Are Our B-Tier Junglers?

The B-Tier consists of champions that are good, but won't be as strong as either the A or S Tier — obviously. These are picks you can select in specific match ups, but we suggest making sure you master the champion before picking them in Ranked.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate











Jarvan IV






Skarner just lightly didn't make the A-Tier, but he falls in the same category as Maokai, Zac and friends. Lillia and Shyvana are pretty good into tanks. With the rise of tank junglers, that's why they are pretty strong as well.

Who Are Our F-Tier Junglers?

Do you even want to win? If you aren't afraid of losing LP and ending up in Iron IV, this is the list for you.

If you want to force your favorite champion, go right ahead, but we do not recommend picking these F-Tier junglers in the current meta unless you're a one-trick pony.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate



Assassin junglers have been hit very hard by the changes and are nearly unplayable. In general, you should go for tanks or AP junglers now, except for the clearly OP stuff like Briar.

If you want to get the most out of your games, you should probably play our S-tier picks or maybe those in A-tier. You want to win those Ranked games after all, right?

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Tim Ladegast

Tim is studying Media Studies at the University of Bayreuth. His passion for video games led him to intern at EarlyGame, where he presents the latest patch notes, guides and off-meta strategies for the LoL category and RiftFeed....

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