Honkai Star Rail: How Fu Xuan Gets Countered By A Single SU Blessing

The Simulated Universe in Honkai Star Rail is, next to the Memory of Chaos, a pretty popular piece of end game content! It is perfect for testing your character's limits or even make your team super OP by getting a bunch of blessings! However, some blessings do not synergies too well with certain characters.

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Honkai Star Rail: How Fu Xuan gets countered by a single blessing. | © HoYoverse

The Simulated Universe is a special instance in Honkai Star Rail, and the perfect opportunity to test your team's limits and try super unique builds. Even some fun and troll builds can work if you manage to find the right Blessings! — Carry Pela for the win!

However, don't be mindless about the choice of your Simulated Universe Blessings! Even though, most of them grant super powerful buffs to your team, there are some which can definitely screw you over.

Always read the Blessings description, please!

Honkai Star Rail: How Fu Xuan Gets Countered By A Single SU Blessing

When I first played and tried out the Simulated Universe, right after Honkai Star Rail got released, I was somewhat guilty of just clicking a random Blessing without reading its description. I thought all of them are good and provide stats like Crit DMG or increased follow-up DMG, which is most definitely not the case!

In order to choose good and fitting Blessing, it is a necessity to fully understand your character's kit and special interactions. A good example for this is Fu Xuan.

Why Fu Xuan Hates This Blessing

As I already mentioned, there are some Blessings, which do not really synergies well with your team or are straight up useless! In fact, some actually counter your own units' mechanics!

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Honkai Star Rail: Fu Xuan is rightfully annoyed by this weird interaction! | © HoYoverse

Take Fu Xuan for example: Her skill has a super useful gimmick, where she mitigates damage dealt to her allies by taking a part of their damage for them. Fu Xuan, as a dedicated tank, can easily survive this additional damage and with her passive, she just heals back up in a blink of an eye!

Build Fu Xuan the right way in order to be the perfect tank for your team:

However, if you are unlucky in the Simulated Universe, you stumble across the Blessing “Regression Inequality of Annihilation”, which is far from a buff to our favorite Master Diviner. To make it short: Basically, this Blessing deletes Fu Xuans' damage share feature completely.

Whenever a unit who is not Fu Xuan takes damage, said instance of damage should be shared with Fu Xuan, making the hit less painful for your carry unit. Unfortunately, if you picked up “Regression Inequality of Annihilation”, the transferred damage will be split up even more and now ALL units take a hit!

Our fortune is clouded with uncertainty, but the omniscia sees through you. – Fu Xuan

This is super useful when playing a Destruction team, but not if you have a dedicated tank who is made for taking damage off your other characters. Instead of protecting your DPS, you now endanger all your units, including super squishy ones like Tingyun for example!

Genuinely speaking, you should avoid this blessing whenever you are not playing a destruction team. Of course, there are always use cases for special buffs like this, but be aware of what this effect could mean for your team and our run's outcome.

Celine Jaeckel

Whether on Nintendo or on my first own laptop, when little-me finished her homework for the day she would escape into her own fantastical world. My gaming journey began with the Sims 2, which I had to beg for as...