LoL Briar Counter: How To Play Against The Frenzied Jungler

The newest LoL champion Briar is pretty interesting, but how do you counter such a unique jungler? Thankfully we have some key tips for you, so you know how to play when the enemy team locks her in.

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LoL Briar: Who counters this vampire? | © Riot Games

Briar is the new shiny toy on Summoner's Rift. She is bringing a whole new look and feel to the game with her interesting personality and aesthetic. Overall, she looks like a pretty cool champion, but also very frightening to go up against.

Thankfully, she does have some weaknesses, even if an initial look at her kit wouldn't make you think so. But which champions and systems counter the new vampire champion from Noxus? That's what we're about to look at, so you know who to play when the enemy jungler locks in Briar.

LoL Briar Counter: Pick These Champions Against Briar

Briar is a diver, meaning she wants to go right into the middle of a fight and then go berserk. She's got a lot of healing through her abilities, as well as damage, but there are some key downsides to her kit and those are just how unpredictable she is. So, that's what you need to exploit when going up against her.

Briar players, at least the good ones, will need to know when to go berserk and use her W - Blood Frenzy. In the first few weeks of play though, players will misuse her W a lot. At least we think so, and that will be pretty easy to counter, since simply killing her will snap her out of the state. But what else will counter her?

Stun Down Melee Champions

Yes, Briar is pretty mobile with three dashes in her kit, but they're pretty restrictive and are mostly meant to go into a fight and not to peel out of one. Therefore, once she has rushed into a battle headfirst and frenzied, you simply have to stun her and then simply stomp her to death.

Sounds pretty savage, but it's also a simple strategy and it will work. Briar might not be a squishy ADC, but she also won't be an unkillable tank like Ornn or something, so when she has no way of escaping, she will die pretty quickly... oh and if she cannot attack and feed, then she also can't heal.

Tanks Counter Briar

Infernal Shen Skin
Get yourself a Warden to keep Briar away from the carries. | © Riot Games

Another set of champions that will counter Briar are none other than tanks. If you time your Bloody Frenzy wrong, you will use up all your power against the tank, and we all know how long it'll take to kill one of those. In the meantime, the enemy team will be able to free hit Briar and destroy her.

No matter how many enchanters you've got on your team, you cannot save Briar from a death at the hands of the enemy team. Therefore, it's important to know when to use the W or when to ult into a fight. You never know who Briar is going to see as her next meal.

Grievous Wounds Is Great Against Briar

Blood Moon Pyke Splash
Kill her when she can't heal anymore! | © Riot Games

Players should also be purchasing grievous wounds against Briar. Due to her lack of health regeneration, Briar is pretty dependent on her passive healing through abilities and bleed from champions. Being able to keep that to a minimum with grievous wounds is a five-head move.

So, make sure to purchase some GW items to be able to fight against Briar before she heals herself. You can then burst her down. Easy-peasy, lemon squeazy.

So, with these tips you'll be able to take on Briar, no problems. She will release with LoL Patch 13.18 and should be playable on September 14, 2023. Are you ready for this frenzied jungler or you'd rather just keep playing Naafiri?

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....